
Creation of an Electronic Admissions System for Kindergartens

Client – Baku City Executive Authorities

After the restoration of Azerbaijan’s independence, the City Executive Authorities were established in the capital Baku. The head of the Baku City Executive Authorities is the president’s authorized representative in the capital. The executive authorities oversee the wide range of departments and offices serving the city of Baku.

Business challenge

The Baku Executive Authorities needed a transparent, consistent and thorough admissions process to the city’s kindergartens. Parents needed to have prior access to information about the kindergartens and to be able to monitor their children’s experience in kindergarten. This required transition to an electronic system.


Following ED’s meetings with the Baku City Executive Authorities, the decision was taken to digitalize the admissions process to public kindergartens in the city’s Nizami district as a pilot project. The e-admissions system for kindergartens now allows individual applications to be dealt with in a timely and thorough manner, and allows the city authorities to question decisions made in the admissions process without delay. The e-admissions rules take into account the date of registration and a child’s family circumstances, such as whether they are considered socially vulnerable. The solution introduced by ED frees parents from unreasonable responses and saves time in the process of obtaining kindergarten places for their children.

Biznes dəyəri

ED şirkətinin yaratdığı tapşırıqların elektron idarə edilməsi reyestri bankın fəaliyyətinə bir sıra həllər gətirib.

1. Bağçalara qəbul prosesi elektronlaşdırıldı. Bununla da qəbulun əsaslı formada aparılması, fərdi yanaşmaların ləğvi təmin edilir.

2. Sosial həssas kateqoriyaya aid şəxslərin övladlarına bağçalara elektron qəbul zamanı üstünlük verilir.

3. Uşaqların bağçada keçirdiyi zamanda fəaliyyətinə, müəllimlərin onlara yanaşmasına nəzarət ediləcək.

4. Bağçalara elektron qəbul sisteminin valideynlər üçün gətirdiyi həllər pilot layihə haqqında 90 %-lik məmnunluq rəyi yaradıb.



  • TicketService
  • AppealService
  • AccountService.
  • ApiService
  • AuthService
  • FAQService
  • NotificationService
  • ReportService
  • DictionaryService